Personality & Zodiak

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Gerak Laku Mencerminkan Sikap

Melindungi atau menutup mulut dengan tangan bila bercakap

Tindakan ini membayangkan yang dia kemungkinan berdusta, memutarbelitkan perkara, ragu, atau dia sendiri tidak yakin dengan perkara yang diucap atau cakapkan.

Berpeluk tubuh ketika bercakap

Dia memperlihatkan satu sikap yang defensif. Dia tidak akan menerima apa-apa yang kita cakapkan. Tindakan ini juga mengambarkan yang dia sukar mengalah atau bersetuju dan bekerjasama dengan kita. Gerak laku yang demikian juga menunjukkan yang dia berbeza pendapat, serba salah atau kemungkinan tidak berpuas hati dengan kita.

Matanya tidak memberi tumpuan atau merayap ke sana dan ke mari

Gerak laku sedemikian menunjukkan dia tidak berminat pada perkara yang kita ucapkan. Kalaulah kita baru berkenalan dengannya, maka perlakuan sebegini menunjukkan yang dia tidak benar-benar berminat pada diri kita.

Mata dan dahi berkerut-kerut

Ini menandakan dia berminat dengan apa yang kita ucapkan tapi tidak percaya apa yang kita ceritakan padanya.

Mata berkelip lebih laju daripada biasa

Gerak laku ini pula mengambarkan yang dia pendusta. Kata-katanya tidak boleh dipercayai.

Memandang tepat ke mata kita sewaktu kita bercakap

Ini menunjukkan dia amat berminat dengan isi percakapan kita betul-betul menarik minatnya. Atau kiranya isi percakapan itu tidak menimbulkan minatnya, kemungkinan dia benar-benar berminat untuk berkenalan dengan kita secara lebih dekat.

Memandang kita, tetapi tidak pada mata ( tetapi dia memandang hidung, dagu, dahi, atau leher kita ) sewaktu kita bercakap

Ini bermakna dia berminat, tetapi dia seorang pemalu. Perasaannya tidak selesa. Dia tidak releks.

Ketika kita bercakap dia bersandar ke belakang

Dia bersikap nagetif kapada kita. Dia kekungkina berasa bosan, menyampah ragu atau memandang rendah diri kita

Mengiringkan badan ke kiri dan ke kanan sewaktu kita bercakap

Ini memperlihatkan dia berasa ragu dan terancam dengan isi dan cara kita bercakap. Dia juga berada dalam keadaan resah dan fikirannya tegang.

Mencekak pinggang dan menarik-narik seluarnya ke atas

Orang yang bersikap siap sedia. Orang sebegini selalunya mempunyai objektif dan cita-citanya jelas. Dia juga biasanya memiliki nafsu hidup yang tinggi dan di dorong oleh hasrat untuk berjaya.

Chocolate Personality

Your choice of your chocolate centre??
How you like your chocolate centre reveals your personality

1) almond
2) coffee
3) strawberry
4) marshmallow
5) peppermint


Climbing the almond tree of prosperity, you desire success and you like to celebrate your achievements. You have a quickness of mind that can stagger your friends. You can change your conversation or your beliefs very rapidly.

You love making changes to yourself, because there are so many thoughts in your head. You like to offer a hand in friendship and are keen to help others.

Excess: You can appear flippant to people who do not know you. You have the best of intentions, but some people just don't want to be changed, so stop trying. You may rely on helping hands from others when you could do something yourself.


As a coffee person, you're not one to be kept waiting or standing in line.You like everything at once, and why not? You are a deep thinker and likethe buzz of discussion and debate. After all, this is why coffee and chocolate houses came into being. Your mind is like a parachute - it worksbest when open.

Excess: Living on a caffeine fix, nervous energy, prone to addictions. You can be impatient and throw tantrums when things don't go your way. You always look busy, but what are you achieving?


You're a loving and caring person. In touch with your intuition, you listen to other people's problems with compassion and tenderness. You have or willfind time for people and you believe that things will turn out all right in the end. A romantic and an idealist at heart, you have lots of unconditional love for yourself and for others. Music can play a large part in your life.

Excess: Disappointments in love not being returned. Sensitivity to others can leave you drained of energy. The need to love at any cost means you can be living through others, seeing the world through rose-coloured glasses.


As a person who likes marshmallow, you're very social. You like to party, to have people around you. Light and fluffy, you can move from one idea or subject to the next, without a great deal of though. If you choose pink marshmallow, you're in love with romantic and very optimistic. White marshmallow denotes clarity for that moment in time.

Excess: You can get bored very quickly. Tend to agree with whomever you are talking to at the time, no matter what you believe in. Not a lot of follow-through on ideas that you come up with. The need for romance, for clarity.


All things are possible to peppermint lovers; you have all the scope of life to choose from. You tend to see life as moving on - tomorrow is another day. You're very clear on what you're doing, whether it be in matters of the heart or in your profession. You're full of ideas and won't be bound by rules unless you've made them. You're always striving for things to be better, looking ahead with an open mind.

Excess: The need for all the above. Being able to let go and trust your inner center. Suffering from the past is clouding your judgment of the here and now.